Congratulations to our math contest participants!
On November 10, Maggie, Timmy, Ian, Quinlan, and Monica competed individually and as a team at Montini High School.
On November 17, Maggie, Timmy and Audrey M participated in an individual competition at Immaculate Conception High School.
A super job was done by all-- we are very proud of you!!
Upcoming events...
Montini 7th grade Academic Bowl Tuesday 1-15
Nazareth 7th grade Scholastic Bowl Thursday 2-7
Nazareth 7th grade Math Contest Monday 3-11
... more information to come
Congrats also to our 8th grade (Michael D, Danny, Michael M, Lucas and Pakorn) and 6th grade (Grace J, Jeffrey, Sean, Danny, John Pe and Adam) math competitors-- great job!