Saturday, November 30, 2013

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We have a busy week ahead of us. . .
  • 7th grade Confirmation service forms (the first semester's) are due on Monday 12/2
  • Reconciliation of Wednesday 12/4
  • Band Concert on Thursday 12/5
  • St Nicholas Day, Vision and Hearing Tests, Senior Concert, and Midterms all on Friday 12/6
  • No math help on Tuesday (I'm at a workshop all day; so I'll be available Thursday this week instead)
  • And the regulars -- Mass on Tuesday, Math Club on Wednesday, Math Help before or after school on Monday-Wednesday-Friday
6th Math
      We are working with fractions and decimals this week, finishing up the chapter.  Our test will probably be on Tuesday Dec 11.

7th Math (3rd period)
      We are simplifying expressions with fractions and exponents.  We will have a quiz on Friday.

7th Math (4th period)
      We will be working with scientific calculators and scientific notation, adding and subtracting fractions, and problem-solving.

8th Math (5th period)
      We will be writing equations of lines and solving word problems.  We will have a quiz on Friday.

8th Math (6th period)
      We are writing equations in standard form of parallel and perpendicular lines.  We will have a quiz on Thursday; and then start work with scatter plots and linear models.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hello to all my students! I am the new 7th and 8th science teacher, and will teach some 6th grade Math, as well. I am enjoying getting to know everyone, and appreciate your patience while I learn all your names. I feel fortunate to have such a welcoming, intelligent, and enthusiastic group of students to work with. Our science journey is going to be fascinating.

As the school year gets underway, you can come to this blog for assignment reminders, links to some materials we viewed in class, and other helpful items. For example, here is the link for "The Scale of Everything". (It will only work if you have current flash updates.) Show your parents; I think they would enjoy it as much as you all did in class. See you soon.

Dr. E. Harnois

Friday, May 31, 2013

It's been a great year!  We wish your entire family a rest filled and blessed summer!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Field Day is set for Thursday May 30.  The permission slip is being sent home in today's friday folder.  Please be sure your child submits the permission slip by Friday May 24.  Please check the e messenger for information on summer school math.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Phelan.  Have a great weekend!  

Friday, April 5, 2013

We hope you had a wonderful Easter holiday!  This Monday we will have a field trip to the Tivoli to see the performance Heart in a Suitcase.  We will be leaving school at approximately 9:30AM and will return at approximately 11:00AM.  Students will be bringing home today in their Friday folder a permission slip to see another show at the Tivoli on April 30th titled A Thousand Cranes.  This permission slip and the $6.00 is due by April 16.  Have a great weekend!  

Monday, March 18, 2013

Congratulations to the following students who competed in last Monday's math competition at Nazareth:  Maggie, Timmy, Ian, Audrey M, Quinlan.  We will have a field trip this Thursday afternoon to DGN to hear a concert performance.  3rd quarter report cards will be sent home this week.  Have a wonderful spring break!  We wish you a blessed Holy Week and a happy Easter! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

There is an upcoming math contest at Nazareth on Monday March 11 at 4PM.  Mrs Phelan will be asking students in math class if they are interested and will be sending home information to those that are.  Have a great weeekend!